We want you to be happy with your purchase. We accept returns and offer a 1 week inspection period on gear. Please inspect items where they will not pick up dog fur, dirt, perfumes, cigarette smoke, etc.
To initiate a return, send an email for an RMA with your order number within a week of receipt of product for an RMA number to return your item(s). Returns will not be accepted without an RMA number. We do not accept individual components of bundles for return. The entire bundle must be returned. Except for defects, financial responsibility for shipping is on the purchaser.
We do not offer exchanges. A returned item, if accepted, will be refunded*. Feel free to order the correct item at your earliest convenience. We do not accept returns on components, fabrics, CAD pattern downloads, etc.
All component, fabric, hardware, hook, loop, webbing, etc sales are final, non refundable, and non exchangeable. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to count in, inspect, and verify that what was ordered was received. It is the purchaser's responsibility to ensure they are buying the correct items for their application. Many items look similar. It is entirely your responsibility to ensure you received what you ordered.
Refunds are typically processed the Monday following receipt of package.
*restocking fee applies only to incomplete returns. please ensure your return includes all associated parts.