

  • Waist Strap 17

    Waist Strap 17

    WTF's Waist Strap 17 is an adjustable, lightweight waist strap with a stretch panel for added comfort.  Waist Strap 17 interfaces with WTF's Accessory Panels, Spiritus' MFCR, and more.  Two steel sliders and two male SRBs (Side Release...

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  • Insert 417 for HK417 magazines

    Insert 417 for HK417 magazines

    WTF's Insert 417 is designed to accept HK417 magazines.  Insert 417 is manufactured in the USA from milspec, Berry & NIR compliant, nylon textiles.  Tough MIL-W-5664 woven nylon elastic keeps mags in place until they're needed. ...

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